What is audiotools ?¶
audiotools is a python package designed to generate and analyze acoustic stimuli for use in auditory research. It aims to provide an easy to use and intuitive interface.
auditools provides the powerfull Signal class which extends the standard numpy array class with a fluent interface that provides methods and attributes often used in auditory signal processing.
The commands:
>>> import audiotools as audio
>>> sig = audio.Signal(n_channels=1, duration=1, fs=48000)
>>> sig.add_tone(500).set_dbspl(60).add_fade_window(10e-3, 'cos')
create a 1 second long signal with 1 channel at a sampling rate of 48kHz. A 500 Hz tone is then added to this signal, the level is set to 60dB SPL and a 10ms raised cosine fade-in and fade-out is added. It also provides method to quickly switch between the frequency and time-domain representation of the same signal:
>>> sig.add_noise()
>>> f_sig = sig.to_freqdomain()
>>> f_sig[f_sig.freq.abs() > 1000] = 0
>>> sig = f_sig.to_timedomain()
first adds white noise to the signal and then sets all spectral components above 1kHz to zero.
As all Signal Classes are extensions of the numpy array, they can be used as drop-in replacements.
Currently, the easiest method is to install audiotools by cloning the git repository:
Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Jencke/audiotools.git
Install the package: pip install ./
Optionally run the tests: pytest