Fluent Interface API¶
The Signal Class inherits from numpy.ndarray via the BaseSignal class:
As a consequence, numpy.ndarray methods such as x.min(), x.max(), x.sum(), x.var() and others can also be used on auditools.Signal objects. For more informations check the numpy docs.
(n_channels, duration, fs, dtype=<class 'float'>)¶ -
()¶ Absolute value
Calculates the absolute value or modulus of all values of the signal
(x)¶ In-place summation
This function allowes for in-place summation.
- Parameters
x (scalar or ndarray) – The value or array to add to the signal
- Returns
- Return type
Returns itself
>>> sig = audiotools.Signal(1, 1, 48000).add_tone(500).add(2) >>> print(sig.mean()) 2.0
(frequency, m, start_phase=0)¶ Multiply a cosinus amplitude modulator to the signal
Multiplies a cosinus amplitude modulator following the equation:
\[1 + m \cos{2 \pi f_m t \phi_{0}}\]where \(m\) is the modulation depth, \(f_m\) is the modualtion frequency and \(t\) is the time. \(\phi_0\) is the start phase
- Parameters
frequency (float) – The frequency of the cosine modulator.
m (float, optional) – The modulation index. (Default = 1)
start_phase (float) – The starting phase of the cosine in radiant.
- Returns
Returns itself
- Return type
See also
(rise_time, type='cos', **kwargs)¶ Add a fade in/out window to the signal
This function multiplies a fade window with a given rise time onto the signal. for mor information about the indiviual window functions refer to the implementations:
cos: A rasied cosine window
gauss: A gaussian window
- Parameters
rise_time (float) – The rise time in seconds.
type ('cos', 'gauss', 'cos2') – The type of the window. (default = ‘cos’)
- Returns
Return itself
- Return type
(ntype='white', variance=1, seed=None)¶ Add uncorrelated noise to the signal
add gaussian noise with a defined variance and different spectral shapes. The noise is generated in the frequency domain using the gaussian pseudorandom generator
. The real and imaginary part of each frequency component is set using the psudorandom generator. Each frequency bin is then weighted dependent on the spectral shape. The resulting spektrum is then transformed into the time domain usingnumpy.fft.ifft
Weighting functions:
white: \(w(f) = 1\)
pink: \(w(f) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{f}}\)
brown: \(w(f) = \frac{1}{f}\)
- Parameters
ntype ({'white', 'pink', 'brown'}) – spectral shape of the noise
variance (scalar, optional) – The Variance of the noise
seed (int or 1-d array_like, optional) – Seed for RandomState. Must be convertible to 32 bit unsigned integers.
- Returns
Returns itself
- Return type
(frequency, amplitude=1, start_phase=0)¶ Add a cosine to the signal
This function will add a pure tone to the current waveform. following the equation:
\[x = x + cos(2\pi f t + \phi_0)\]where \(x\) is the waveform, \(f\) is the frequency, \(t\) is the time and \(\phi_0\) the starting phase. The first evulated timepoint is 0.
- Parameters
frequency (scalar) – The tone frequency in Hz.
amplitude (scalar, optional) – The amplitude of the cosine. (default = 1)
start_phase (scalar, optional) – The starting phase of the cosine. (default = 0)
- Returns
Returns itself
- Return type
See also
(corr=0, variance=1, seed=None)¶ Add partly uncorrelated noise
This function adds partly uncorrelated noise using the N+1 generator method.
To generate N partly uncorrelated noises with a desired correlation coefficent of $rho$, the algoritm first generates N+1 noise tokens which are then orthogonalized using the Gram-Schmidt process (as implementd in numpy.linalg.qr). The N+1 th noise token is then mixed with the remaining noise tokens using the equation
\[X_{\rho,n} = X_{N+1} \sqrt{\rho} + X_n \beta \sqrt{1 - \rho}\]where \(X_{\rho,n}\) is the nth output and noise, \(X_{n}\) the nth indipendent noise and \(X_{N=1}\) is the common noise.
for two noise tokens, this is identical to the assymetric three-generator method described in [1]_
- Parameters
corr (int, optional) – Desired correlation of the noise tokens, (default=0)
variance (scalar, optional) – The desired variance of the noise, (default=1)
seed (int or 1-d array_like, optional) – Seed for RandomState. Must be convertible to 32 bit unsigned integers.
- Returns
Returns itself
- Return type
- 1
Hartmann, W. M., & Cho, Y. J. (2011). Generating partially correlated noise—a comparison of methods. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(1), 292–301. http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.3596475
(f_center, bw, ftype, **kwargs)¶ Apply a bandpass filter
Applies a bandpass filter to the signal. The availible filters are:
brickwall: A ‘optimal’ brickwall filter
gammatone: A real valued gammatone filter
For additional filter parameters and detailed description see the respective implementations:
- Parameters
f_center (scalar) – The banddpass center frequency in Hz
bw (scalar) – The filter bandwidth in Hz
ftype ({'brickwall', 'gammatone'}) – The filtertype
**kwargs – Further keyword arguments are passed to the respective filter functions
- Returns
Returns itself
- Return type
()¶ Calculate crest factor
Calculates the crest factor for the signal. The crest factor is defined as:
\[C = \frac{|x_{peak}|}{x_{rms}}\]where \(x_{peak}\) is the maximum of the absolute value and \(x_{rms}\) is the effective value of the signal.
- Returns
The crest factor
- Return type
See also
()¶ Calculate the dBFS RMS value for the signal
\[L = 20 \log_10\left(\sqrt{2}\sigma\right)\]where \(\sigma\) is the signals RMS.
- Returns
- Return type
The dBFS RMS value
()¶ Calculate the sound pressure level of the signal
\[L = 20 \log_{10}\left(\frac{\sigma}{p_o}\right)\]where \(L\) is the SPL, \(p_0=20\mu Pa\) and \(\sigma\) is the RMS of the signal.
- Returns
- Return type
The sound pressure level in dB
¶ Direct channel indexer
Returns an indexer class which enables direct indexing and slicing of the channels indipendent of samples.
>>> sig = audiotools.Signal((2, 3), 1, 48000).add_noise() >>> print(np.all(sig.ch[1, 2] is sig[:, 1, 2])) True
(t_start, t_end=None)¶ Clip the signal between two points in time
removes the number of semples according to t_start and t_end. This method can not be applied to a single channel or slice.
- Parameters
t_start (float) – Signal time at which the returned signal should start
t_end (flot or None (optional)) – Signal time at which the signal should stop. The full remaining signal is used if set to None. (default: None)
- Returns
Returns itself
- Return type
(signal)¶ Concatenate another signal or array
This method appends another signal to the end of the current signal.
- Parameters
signal (signal or ndarray) – The signal to append
- Returns
- Return type
Returns itself
(delay, method='fft')¶ Delays the signal by circular shifting
Circular shift the functions foreward to create a certain time delay relative to the orginal time. E.g if shifted by an equivalent of N samples, the value at sample i will move to sample i + N.
Two methods can be used. Using the default method ‘fft’, the signal is shifted by applyint a FFT transform, and phase shifting each frequency accoring to the delay and applying an inverse transform. This is identical to using the :meth:’audiotools.FrequencyDomainSignal.time_shift’ method. When using the method ‘sample’, the signal is time delayed by circular shifting the signal by the number of samples that is closest to delay.
- Parameters
delay (float) – The delay in secons
method ({'fft', 'samples'} optional) – The method used to delay the signal (default: ‘fft’)
- Returns
Returns itself
- Return type
See also
¶ Duration of the signal in seconds
¶ Sampling rate of the signal in Hz
(x)¶ In-place multiplication
This function allowes for in-place multiplication
- Parameters
x (scalar or ndarray) – The value or array to muliply with the signal
- Returns
- Return type
Returns itself
>>> sig = audiotools.Signal(1, 1, 48000).add_tone(500).multiply(2) >>> print(sig.max()) 2.0
¶ Number of channels in the signal
¶ Number of samples in the signal
(phase)¶ Shifts all frequency components of a signal by a constant phase.
Shift all frequency components of a given signal by a constant phase. This is identical to calling the phase_shift method of the FrequencyDomainSignal class.
- Parameters
phase (scalar) – The phase in rad by which the signal is shifted.
- Returns
Returns itself
- Return type
()¶ Root mean square
- Returns
- Return type
The RMS value
(dbfs)¶ Normalize the signal to a given dBFS RMS value.
Normalizes the signal to dB Fullscale for this, the Signal is multiplied with the factor \(A\)
\[A = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}\sigma} 10^\frac{L}{20}\]where \(L\) is the goal Level, and \(\sigma\) is the RMS of the signal.
- Parameters
dbfs (float) – The dBFS RMS value in dB
- Returns
Returns itself
- Return type
(dbspl)¶ Set sound pressure level in dB
Normalizes the signal to a given sound pressure level in dB relative 20e-6 Pa.
Normalizes the signal to a given sound pressure level in dB relative 20e-6 Pa. for this, the Signal is multiplied with the factor \(A\)
\[A = \frac{p_0}{\sigma} 10^{L / 20}\]where \(L\) is the goal SPL, \(p_0=20\mu Pa\) and \(\sigma\) is the RMS of the signal.
- Parameters
dbspl (float) – The sound pressure level in dB
- Returns
Returns itself
- Return type
¶ The time vector for the signal
()¶ Convert to frequency domain by applying a DFT
This function returns a frequency domain representation of the signal.
As opposed to most methods, this conversion is not in-place but a new :meth:’audiotools.FrequencyDomainSignal’ object is returned
- Returns
The frequency domain representation of the signal
- Return type
(number=None, duration=None)¶ Add zeros to start and end of signal
This function adds zeros of a given number or duration to the start or end of a signal.
If number or duration is a scalar, an equal number of zeros will be appended at the front and end of the array. If a vector of two values is given, the first defines the number or duration at the beginning, the second the number or duration of zeros at the end.
- Parameters
number (scalar or vecor of len(2), optional) – Number of zeros.
duration (scalar or vecor of len(2), optional) – duration of zeros in seconds.
- Returns
Returns itself
- Return type
See also
(n_channels, duration, fs, dtype=<class 'complex'>)¶ -
()¶ Absolute value
Calculates the absolute value or modulus of all values of the signal
(x)¶ In-place summation
This function allowes for in-place summation.
- Parameters
x (scalar or ndarray) – The value or array to add to the signal
- Returns
- Return type
Returns itself
>>> sig = audiotools.Signal(1, 1, 48000).add_tone(500).add(2) >>> print(sig.mean()) 2.0
¶ Direct channel indexer
Returns an indexer class which enables direct indexing and slicing of the channels indipendent of samples.
>>> sig = audiotools.Signal((2, 3), 1, 48000).add_noise() >>> print(np.all(sig.ch[1, 2] is sig[:, 1, 2])) True
(signal)¶ Concatenate another signal or array
This method appends another signal to the end of the current signal.
- Parameters
signal (signal or ndarray) – The signal to append
- Returns
- Return type
Returns itself
¶ Duration of the signal in seconds
¶ Returns the frequency axis
- Returns
The frequency axis in Hz
- Return type
¶ Sampling rate of the signal in Hz
¶ Retruns the magnitudes of the frequency components
equivalent to
- Returns
The magnitudes
- Return type
(x)¶ In-place multiplication
This function allowes for in-place multiplication
- Parameters
x (scalar or ndarray) – The value or array to muliply with the signal
- Returns
- Return type
Returns itself
>>> sig = audiotools.Signal(1, 1, 48000).add_tone(500).multiply(2) >>> print(sig.max()) 2.0
¶ Number of channels in the signal
¶ Number of samples in the signal
¶ The Argument of the frequency components
- Returns
The arguments in radiants
- Return type
(phase)¶ Apply a phase shift
Phase shift the spectrum by multiplying all frequency components with:
\[H(\omega) = e^{-j\psi}\]where \(j\) is the complex unit and \(\psi\) is the desired phaseshift.
- Parameters
phase (scalar) – The phaseshift
- Returns
Returns itself (FrequencyDomainSignal)
Also See
(time)¶ Apply a time shift
Time shift the signal by a linear phase shift by multiplying all frequency components with:
\[H(\omega) = e^{-j\omega\Delta t}\]where \(j\) is the complex unit, \(omega\) the circular frequency and \(\Delta t\) the timeshift.
- Parameters
time (scalar) – The time by which the signal should be shifted
- Returns
Returns itself (FrequencyDomainSignal)
Also See
()¶ Convert to timedomain.
Convert to timedomain by means of inverse DFT. If the complex part after DFT is small (< 222e-16), it is neglected. This method is not applied in-place but a new :meth:’audiotools.Signal’ object is returned
The timedomain representation: Signal
Function Based API¶
(signal)¶ normalized complex valued coherence
This function calculates the normalized complex valued degree of coherence between two signals \(f(t)\) and \(g(t)\). It is defined as:
\[\gamma(tau) = \frac{<f_a(t)g^*_a(t-\tau)>}{\sqrt{<|f_a(t)|^2><|g_a(t)|^2>}}\]where \(f_a(t)\) is the analytic signals of \(f(t)\) and and \(g^*_a(t)\) is the complex conjugate of the analytic signal of \(g(t)\). \(<\dots>\) symbolizes the mean over time.
Requires an input signal with the shape (N, 2). If only a one-dimensional signal is provided, the auto-coherence function where \(f(t) = g(t)\) is calculated.
The real part of the complex valued coherence equals the normalized cross-correlation.
(signal)¶ Calculate the dBFS RMS value of a given signal.
\[L = 20 \log_{10}\left(\sqrt{2}\sigma\right)\]where \(\sigma\) is the signals RMS.
- Parameters
signal (ndarray) – The input signal
- Returns
The dBFS RMS value
- Return type
(signal)¶ Calculate the dB (SPL) value for a given signal.
\[L = 20 \log_{10}\left(\frac{\sigma}{p_o}\right)\]where \(L\) is the SPL, \(p_0=20\mu Pa\) and \(\sigma\) is the RMS of the signal.
- Parameters
signal (ndarray) – The input signal
- Returns
The dB (SPL) value
- Return type
(signal, modulator_freq, fs, mod_index=1, start_phase=0)¶ Cosinus amplitude modulator
Returns a cosinus amplitude modulator following the equation:
\[1 + m \cos{2 \pi f_m t \phi_{0}}\]where \(m\) is the modulation depth, \(f_m\) is the modualtion frequency and \(t\) is the time. :math;`phi_0` is the start phase
- Parameters
signal (ndarray) – An input array that is used to determine the length of the modulator.
modulator_freq (float) – The frequency of the cosine modulator.
fs (float) – The sample frequency of the input signal.
mod_index (float, optional) – The modulation index. (Default = 1)
- Returns
- Return type
The modulator
See also
(signal, rise_time, fs)¶ Raised cosine fade-in and fade-out window.
This function generates a raised cosine / hann fade-in and fade out. The Window ramps are calculated as
\[\frac{1}{2} \left(1 + \cos{\left(\frac{\pi t}{t_r}\right)} \right)\]where \(t_r\) is the rise_time
- Parameters
signal (ndarray) – The length of the array will be used to determin the window length.
rise_time (scalar) – Duration of the cosine fade in and fade out in seconds. The number of samples is determined via rounding to the nearest integer value.
fs (scalar) – The sampling rate in Hz
- Returns
- Return type
The fading window
(signal, axis=0)¶ Calculate crest factor
Calculates the crest factor of the input signal. The crest factor is defined as:
\[C = \frac{|x_{peak}|}{x_{rms}}\]where \(x_{peak}\) is the maximum of the absolute value and \(x_{rms}\) is the effective value of the signal.
- Parameters
signal (ndarray) – The input signal
axis (int) – The axis for which to calculate the crest factor (default = 0)
- Returns
The crest factor
- Return type
See also
(signal, rise_time, fs, cutoff=- 60)¶ Gausiapn fade-in and fade-out window.
This function generates a window function with a gausian fade in and fade out. The gausian slope is cut at the level defined by the cutoff parameter
The window is given by:
\[w(t) = e^{\frac{-(t-t_r)^2}{2 * \sigma^2}}\]where \(t\) is the time, \(t_r\) is the the rise time and \(\sigma\) is calculated as
\[\sigma = \sqrt{\frac{r_t^2}{2 \log{(10^{ p / 20})}}}\]where \(p\) is the cutoff in dB
- Parameters
signal (ndarray) – The length of the array will be used to determin the window length.
rise_time (scalar) – Duration of the gaussian fade in and fade out in seconds. The value is measured from the cutof level until reaching a value of 1. The number of samples is determined via rounding to the nearest integer value.
fs (scalar) – The sampling rate in Hz
cutoff (scalar, optional) – The level at which the gausian slope is cut (default = -60dB)
- Returns
- Return type
The fading window
(duration, fs, ntype='white', n_channels=1, seed=None)¶ Generate Noise
Generate gaussian noise with a variance of 1 and different spectral shapes. The noise is generated in the frequency domain using the gaussian pseudorandom generator
. The real and imaginary part of each frequency component is set using the psudorandom generator. Each frequency bin is then weighted dependent on the spectral shape. The resulting spektrum is then transformed into the time domain usingnumpy.fft.ifft
Weighting functions
white: \(w(f) = 1\)
pink: \(w(f) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{f}}\)
brown: \(w(f) = \frac{1}{f}\)
- Parameters
duration (scalar) – Noise duration in seconds
fs (int) – Sampling frequency
ntype ({'white', 'pink', 'brown'}) – spectral shape of the noise
n_channels (int) – number of indipendant noise channels
seed (int or 1-d array_like, optional) – Seed for RandomState. Must be convertible to 32 bit unsigned integers.
- Returns
noise vector of the shape (NxM) where N is the number of samples and M >the number of channels
- Return type
See also
(frequency, duration, fs, start_phase=0)¶ create a cosine
This function will generate a pure tone following the equation:
\[x = x + cos(2\pi f t + \phi_0)\]where \(x\) is the waveform, \(f\) is the frequency, :math`t` is the time and \(\phi_0\) the starting phase. The first evulated timepoint is 0.
- Parameters
frequency (scalar) – The tone frequency in Hz.
duration (scalar) – The tone duration in seconds.
fs (scalar) – The sampling rate for the tone.
start_phase (scalar, optional) – The starting phase of the sine tone.
- Returns
- Return type
The sine tone
See also
(duration, fs, n_channels, corr=0, seed=None)¶ Generate partly uncorrelated noise
This function generates partly uncorrelated noise using the N+1 generator method.
To generate N partly uncorrelated noises with a desired correlation coefficent of $rho$, the algoritm first generates N+1 noise tokens which are then orthogonalized using the Gram-Schmidt process (as implementd in numpy.linalg.qr). The N+1 th noise token is then mixed with the remaining noise tokens using the equation
\[X_{\rho,n} = X_{N+1} \sqrt{\rho} + X_n \beta \sqrt{1 - \rho}\]where \(X_{\rho,n}\) is the nth output and noise, \(X_{n}\) the nth indipendent noise and \(X_{N=1}\) is the common noise.
for two noise tokens, this is identical to the assymetric three-generator method described in [1]_
- Parameters
duration (scalar) – Noise duration in seconds
fs (int) – Sampling frequency
n_channels (int) – number of indipendant noise channels
corr (int, optional) – Desired correlation of the noise tokens, (default=0)
seed (int or 1-d array_like, optional) – Seed for RandomState. Must be convertible to 32 bit unsigned integers.
- Returns
noise vector of the shape (NxM) where N is the number of samples and M >the number of channels
- Return type
- 1
Hartmann, W. M., & Cho, Y. J. (2011). Generating partially correlated noise—a comparison of methods. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(1), 292–301. http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.3596475
(duration, fs)¶ Number of samples in a signal with a given duration.
This function calculates the number of samples that will be returned when generating a signal with a certain duration and sampling rates. The number is determined by multiplying the sampling rate with the duration and rounding to the next integer.
- Parameters
duration (scalar) – The tone duration in seconds.
fs (scalar) – The sampling rate for the tone.
- Returns
number of samples in the signal
- Return type
(phase, frequency)¶ Pase to Time for a given frequency
\[t = \frac{\phi}{2 \pi f}\]- Parameters
phase (ndarray) – The phase values to convert
- Returns
converted time values
- Return type
(frequency, l_phon, interpolate=False, limit=True)¶ Sound pressure levels from loudness level (following DIN ISO 226:2006-04)
Calulates the sound pressure level at a given frequency that is necessary to reach a specific loudness level following DIN ISO 226:2006-04
The normed values are tabulated for the following frequencies and sound pressure levels:
20phon to 90phon
20 Hz, 25 Hz, 31.5 Hz, 40 Hz, 50 Hz, 63 Hz, 80 Hz, 100 Hz, 125 Hz, 160 Hz, 200 Hz, 250 Hz, 315 Hz, 400 Hz, 500 Hz, 630 Hz, 800 Hz, 1000 Hz, 1250 Hz, 1600 Hz, 2000 Hz, 2500 Hz, 3150 Hz, 4000 Hz
20phon to 80phon
5000 Hz, 6300 Hz, 8000 Hz, 10000 Hz, 12500 Hz
Values for other frequencies can be interpolated (cubic spline) by setting the parameter interpolate=True. The check for correct sound pressure levels can be switched off by setting limit=False. In both cases, the results are not covered by the DIN ISO norm
- Parameters
frequency (scalar) – The frequency in Hz. must be one of the tabulated values above if interpolate = False
l_phon (scalar) – loudness level that should be converted
interpolate (bool, optional) – Defines whether the tabulated values from the norm should be interpolated. If set to True, the tabulated values will be interpolated using a cubic spline (default = False)
limit (bool, optional) – Defines whether the limits of the norm should be checked (default = True)
- Returns
The soundpressure level in dB SPL
- Return type
(harmonics, amplitudes, phi0=0.0)¶ Phases for a schroeder phase harmonic complex
This function calculates the phases for a schroeder phase harmonic comlex following eq. 11 of [1]_:
\[\phi_n = \phi_l - 2\pi \sum\limits^{n-1}_{l=1}(n - l)p_l\]\(n\) is the order of the harmonic and p_l is the relative power of the spectral component p_l.
- Parameters
harmonics (ndarray) – A vector of harmonics for which the schroeder phases should be calculated
amplitudes (ndarray) – A vector of amplitudes for the given harmonics
phi0 (scalar) – The starting phase of the first harmonic (default = 0)
- Returns
The phase values for the harmonic compontents
- Return type
- 1
Schroeder, M. (1970). Synthesis of low-peak-factor signals and binary sequences with low autocorrelation (corresp.). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 16(1), 85-89
(signal, dbfs_val)¶ Full scale normalization of the signal.
Normalizes the signal to dB Fullscale for this, the Signal is multiplied with the factor \(A\)
\[A = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}\sigma} 10^\frac{L}{20}\]where \(L\) is the goal Level, and \(\sigma\) is the RMS of the signal.
- Parameters
signal (ndarray) – The input signal
dbfs_val (float) – The db full scale value to reach
- Returns
The amplitude adjusted signal
- Return type
(signal, dbspl_val)¶ Adjust signal amplitudes to a given dbspl value.
Normalizes the signal to a given sound pressure level in dB relative 20e-6 Pa. for this, the Signal is multiplied with the factor \(A\)
\[A = \frac{p_0}{\sigma} 10^{L / 20}\]where \(L\) is the goal SPL, \(p_0=20\mu Pa\) and \(\sigma\) is the RMS of the signal.
- Parameters
signal (ndarray) – The input signal
dbspl_val (float) – The dbspl value to reach
- Returns
The amplitude adjusted signal
- Return type
(signal, nr_samples)¶ Shift signal by nr_samples samples.
- Shift a signal by a given number of samples. The shift happens
cyclically so that the length of the signal does not change.
- Parameters
signal (array_like) – Input signal
nr_samples (int) – The number of samples that the signal should be shifted. Must be positive if mode is ‘zeros’.
- Returns
res (ndarray) – The shifted signal
See Also
delay_signal (A high level delaying / shifting function.)
fftshift_signal (Shift a signal in frequency space.)
(time, frequency)¶ Time to phase for a given frequency
\[\phi = 2 \pi t f\]- Parameters
time (ndarray) – The time values to convert
- Returns
converted phase values
- Return type
(signal, number)¶ Add a number of zeros to both sides of a signal
This function adds a given number of zeros to the start or end of a signal.
If number is a scalar, an equal number of zeros will be appended at the front and end of the array. If a vector of two values is given, the first defines the number at the beginning, the second the number or duration of zeros at the end.
- Parameters
signal (ndarray) – The input Signal
number (scalar or vecor of len(2), optional) – Number of zeros.
- Returns
- Return type
The bufferd signal
See also
(signal, fs, low_f, high_f)¶ Brickwall bandpass filter
Bandpass filters an input signal by setting all frequency outside of the passband [low_f, high_f] to zero.
- Parameters
signal (ndarray) – The input signal
fs (scalar) – The signals sampling rate in Hz
low_f (scalar or None) – The lower cutoff frequency in Hz
high_f (scalar) – The upper cutoff frequency in Hz
- Returns
- Return type
The filtered signal
(signal, fs, cf, bw, order=4, attenuation_db=- 3, return_complex=True)¶ Apply a gammatone filter to the signal
Applys a gammatone filter following [1]_ to the input signal and returns the filtered signal.
- Parameters
signal (ndarray) – The input signal
fs (int) – The sample frequency in Hz
cf (scalar) – The center frequency of the filter in Hz
bw (scalar) – The bandwidth of the filter in Hz
order (int) – The filter order (default = 4)
attenuation_db (scalar) – The attenuation at half bandwidth in dB (default = -3)
return_complex (bool) – Whether the complex filter output or only it’s real part is returned (default = True)
- Returns
- Return type
The filtered signal.
- 1
Hohmann, V., Frequency analysis and synthesis using a Gammatone filterbank, Acta Acustica, Vol 88 (2002), 43 -3442