audiotools is a python package designed to generate and anlyze acoustic stimuli for use in auditory research. It aims to provide an easy to use and intuitive interface.
Fluent Interface¶
The main API of audiotools provides a fluent interface for generating and analyzing signals. In a fluent interface, methods are applied in-place and the object itself is returend which allowes methods to be stacked.
The Signal class¶
The audiotools.Signal class is used to work with signals in the time domain. Like all other classes that are used, the Signal class is inherited from the numpy.ndarray class and thus also inherits all its methods. It is also directly compatible with most of the packages in scientific stack such as scipy and matplotlib.
To create a empty signal, the class is called providing the number of channels, the duration of the stimulus and the sampling rate.
>>> sig = audio.Signal(n_channels=2, duration=1, fs=48000)
>>> print(sig.shape)
(48000, 2)
Basic properties of the signal such as the number of channels, samples or the duration are availible as properties:
>>> print(sig.n_channels, sig.duration, sig.n_samples, sig.fs)
2 1.0 48000 48000
Signals can have several dimensions:
>>> sig = audio.Signal(n_channels=(2, 3), duration=1, fs=48000)
>>> print(sig.shape)
(48000, 2, 3)
to directly index individual channels, the objects provides the ch property which also supports channel slicing
>>> sig = audio.Signal(n_channels=(2, 3), duration=1, fs=48000)
>>> slice =[0, :]
>>> print(sig.shape, slice.shape)
(48000, 2, 3) (48000, 3)
Methods are allways applied to all channels.
>>> sig = audio.Signal(n_channels=2, duration=1, fs=48000)
>>> sig.add_noise()
>>> np.all([0] ==[1])
thus adds the same noise to both channels of the signal. The ch
indexer if methods should be applied to one individual signal.
>>> sig = audio.Signal(n_channels=2, duration=1, fs=48000)
>>> np.all([0] ==[1])
Using the ch
indexer is equivalent to direclty indexing the signal
>>> sig = audio.Signal(n_channels=2, duration=1, fs=48000)
>>> sig[:, 1].add_tone(500)
>>> np.all([0] ==[1])
The FrequencyDomainSignal class¶
Audiotools provides a simple mechanism of switching between time-domain and frequency-domain representation of a signal.
>>> sig = audio.Signal(2, 1, 48000).add_noise()
>>> print(type(sig))
<class 'audiotools.oaudio.signal.Signal'>
>>> fdomain_sig = sig.to_freqdomain()
>>> print(type(fdomain_sig))
<class 'audiotools.oaudio.freqdomain_signal.FrequencyDomainSignal'>
calling the method audiotools.Signal.to_freqdomain()
returns a
FrequencyDomainSignal object which contains the FFT transformed
signal. It is important to note that the object does not directly
contain the FFT transformed but that all frequency components where
normalized by dividing them by the number of samples.
Like the Signal class, the FrequencyDomainSignal is inherits from
an empty object can be created using an syntax
identical to creating a Signal object
>>> sig = audio.FrequencyDomainSignal(n_channels=2, duration=1, fs=48000)
>>> print(sig.shape)
(48000, 2)